воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

baptist pastors conference

*le sigh*�I am trying to start on my Fieldwork Observation paper as I�have already done the Observation part but I�find myself going durrrrrrr. I canapos;t concentrate well and there is one thing I am unsure of so I�will need to wait for the email from the teacher.

The other thing I could start to work on would be the Outline for my next research paper. Nothing important...but I still have no idea what topic I�wanna use. She wasnapos;t exactly clear on what it could be. "Something Academic, preferably more suited to your career". Wtf?�What does she want us to write about?�The history of the water cooler?�*shakes head* I�may choose either the United Way since that is where I would like to work, or I�might choose some historical event if that is academic enough for her. I was going to do some sort of event from ancient history so it would be something I find INTERESTING but meh. I could also do the printing press...cause with out the printing press we would have no need for printers...or word processors...hell maybe even computers. Who knows what would have happened with out it?�

I�still have not decided though. I am waiting for the email response from her as well. Stupid crazy teacher.

cureton william, baptist pastors conference, baptist pastors, baptist pastorless churches, baptist pastor wanted.

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